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Изсушени скариди Dynabait Freeze Dried Prawns Whole

Изсушени скариди Dynabait Freeze Dried Prawns Whole

Изсушени скариди Dynabait Freeze Dried Prawns Whole


5.00 лв.

We process orders the same day from 08.00 to 15.00 o'clock.

Freeze Dried Prawns са цели сушени скариди.

DYNABAIT™ are marine worms and other species, processed in a unique way without any additives, to become a high-quality, long-lasting bait. To use them, just soak them in fresh or salt water (the required soaking time also varies according to the angler's preference) and then move them to a dry box. When you start hunting with them, upon meeting the water, they release hormones and enzymes, which attract any freshwater or saltwater fish, and your catch will be more than satisfactory. During processing, all natural hormones and enzymes remain intact, while retaining all their qualities, to do work at a later stage. Proven to catch trout, black, platerina, mullet, popsicle and that's just the beginning of a long list. For greater convenience, the package is equipped with a zipper, to keep unused worms longer.

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