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Dynamite Baits Swim Stim Red Krill Groundbait – 0.900kg

Dynamite Baits Swim Stim Red Krill Groundbait – 0.900kg

Dynamite Baits Swim Stim Red Krill Groundbait – 0.900kg


15.50 лв.

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Dynamite Baits Swim Stim Red Krill Groundbait is a power supply from the popular series Swim Stim on Dynamite Baits , as this is the original recipe, specially developed for match fishing as well as finds a wonderful application in the feeder fishing method. Its ingredients are entirely based on the KOI technology for complete nutrition of the fish. That's how it's guaranteed, that you will attract the carp and keep it in front of you for a longer time without overfeeding it. The feed is red in color and has a krill aroma, which is proven for carp fishing.

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