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Пушещ дип CPK 3D Range Dip Squid 50ml

Пушещ дип CPK 3D Range Dip Squid 50ml

Пушещ дип CPK 3D Range Dip Squid 50ml


8.70 лв.

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Пушещ дип CPK 3D Range Dip Squid 50ml – Dip with 3D effect - creates a fluorescent cloud around the bait and spreads its aroma in the food stain. Increases the attractiveness of any bait, as olfactory, and visually. Recommended especially for PVA bags, like a few drops 3D Range Dip will cause the pouch to send the necessary feeding signal to the water. Can be used with a variety of bait - balls, pellets, corn and others. Aroma: Squid, виолетов пушек.

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